Two launches or not two launches...

Ever since the two versions of iPhone 5 came to market Apple fans have excitedly been awaiting the launch of number 6. That is not to suggest any of these fans disliked number 5 but, with Apple’s you-never-know-what’s-coming-next image, there has always been a great amount of excitement about what's in store ...

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Time heals...

We have featured many news stories in the world of Apple but earlier this week a little story broke about what some have described as the strategic alliance of strategic alliances.

Think of the ultimate rivalry — in football the Bears and the Packers, in drinks Coke and Pepsi, in baseball the Yankees and the Mets ...

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Samsung facing more and bigger challenges

So, have Samsung come up against an insurmountable problem? We all know in mobile, that the Apple/iOS market is where the money is. We also know that Android has far, far more devices out in the world. There have been many calculations conducted over the last few years about expected return on investment across ...

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